130422 208k 0 FF Multi Converter is a simple graphical application which converts audio, video, image, and document files between all popular formats, using and combining other programs. It uses ffmpeg for audio/video files, unoconv for document files, and the PythonMagick library for image file conversions.
021217 210k 1 Python Computer Graphics Kit v1.0beta3 The Python Computer Graphics Kit is a collection of Python modules that contain the basic types and functions to be able to create 3D computer graphics images. The kit mainly focuses on Pixar's RenderMan interface, but some modules can also be used for OpenGL programs or non-RenderMan compliant renderers like POV-Ray, for example.
021105 500k 1 disipyl, an object-oriented wrapper around the DISLIN plotting library. disipyl provides a set of classes which represent various aspectsof DISLIN plots, as well as providing some easy to use classes for creating commonly used plot formats. Documentation, a tutorial, and a demo program included. Library has been tested on Win32, Linux, and FreeBSD, but should work on any platform which can make use of Python, NumPy, and the DISLIN python extensions.Feedback, comments, and critique are gladly accepted paul.magwene@yale.edu
010221 307k 1 The Python Imaging Library 1.1.1 (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python environment. This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful image processing capabilities. This source kit has been built and tested on Windows 95, 98 and NT, and a number of Unix platforms (including Alpha, Solaris, and Intel systems).
001019 412k 1 GDChart-py Source. This archive contains gdchart-py-0.5.tar.gz Gdchart-py is a Python interface to Bruce Verderaime's GDChart library, which produces charts and graphs in PNG, JPEG, and GIF format.
000507 365k 1 gdchart useful for creating charts and graphs in GIF format.. Compiled and tested the code on Windows NT 4.0. I have not tested the latest build on Linux or Solaris. (If it's broken, please let me know!) Ideas for improvements are welcome. You can use the Python module as you see fit, but if you distribute a modified version, please identify it as such. The software comes with no warranty, etc. this file contains the source code and a pre-built Win32 module: gdchart-py-0.4.tar.gz.
000506 108k 1 Python wrappers of FreeType, the TrueType rendering engine. New in this version (besides bugfixes) is PyFT.py, a high(er)-level interface for rendering text. http://taliesen.caltech.edu:9673 http://taliesen.caltech.edu:9673/PyFT-0.65.tar. gz Robert Kern kern@caltech.edu
000506 247k 2 Parsing, Generation, Processing and Output The mcf.vrml libraries are an extensive set of programming tools for manipulating VRML 97 sceneGraphs. Their primary purpose is to allow the creation of design-time tools to programmatically process and generate complex VRML 97 content. Lately they have been used for generating VRML 97 scene Graphs in response to Zope queries. Incl. useful tools including material stripper for 3DSMax pre-lighting support, and transform zeroing (convert coordinates to world-space) Open Source (Python/BSD) license (see distribution for details)
000205 185k 1 gdchart module, which is useful for creating charts and graphs in GIF format. Changes in version 0.2: Fixed a Windows NT crash (thanks to Roger Dev). A makefile for Solaris is now included (thanks to Nathan Clegg). The Win32 binary is now built against Python-1.5.2. This archive contains gdchart-py-0.2.tar.gz, which is the source code and a pre-built Win32 binary http://members.xoom.com/msteed/software/ Mike Steed msteedber.net