161017 1399k 0 Cross platform package to do curses-like operations with high-level APIs creates ASCII art animations & text UIs. Asciimatics is a package to help people create full-screen text UIs (from interactive forms to ASCII animations) on any platform. Apache Software Foundation License 2.0. single cross-platform Python class to do low-level console function. https://github.com/peterbrittain/asciimatics
160620 1483k 0 Beets 1.3.18 music library mngr & MusicBrainz tagger. Library management system. The purpose of beets is to get your music collection right once and for all. It catalogs your collection, automatically improving its metadata as it goes. It then provides a bouquet of tools for manipulating and accessing your music. Install guide: http://tinyurl.com/h6vbu6u. http://beets.io/
160430 5380k 0 ## TeachCraft A series of lessons used to teach middle school and high school kids the fundamentals of programming! Using Python, each of the lessons will teach the kids new concepts, going through while loops, if statements, for loops, algorithms, function calls, and the like. Learn programming in python by giving yourself superpowers in a minecraft world! https://github.com/teachthenet/TeachCraft- Challenges
160420 533k 0 Pycraft: A community driven fork of `foglemans "Minecraft" repo This project is intended to create a community-driven engine for complicated voxel/roguelike games which ultimately can use and extend GURPS
160224 44k 0 A simple Python menu-based GUI system on the terminal using curses. Perfect for those times when you need a GUI, but don’t want the overhead or learning curve of a full-fledged GUI framework. https://github.com/pmbarrett314/curses-menu
160131 136k 0 ftputil a high-level FTP client library for Python. Implements a virtual file system for accessing FTP servers, it can generate file-like objects for remote files. Supports many functions similar to those in the os, os.path & shutil modules. ftputil has convenience functions for conditional uploads & downloads, & handles FTP clients & servers in different timezones.http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/trac/ti cket/61
160105 12k 0 This is the code needed to Turn a CHIP into a client for Amazon's Alexa service, it should be farly easy to port it over to the Raspberry Pi or other similar boards that can run python and have audio and network interfaces. https://github.com/sammachin/AlexaCHIP
151227 26M 0 cryptography is a package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and reclipes to Python developers. https://cryptography.io/ https://github.com/pyca/cryptography
151112 606k 0 fiddle is a Python code editor designed as an alternate to Python's default IDLE development environment. It is aimed at both beginning Python programmers just learning the language and experience Python developers that may not require a full IDE for simpler projects.
151027 1404k 0 Extract metadata and links from a local or remote PDF, and optionally download all referenced PDFs. Extract metadata and PDF URLs from a given PDF, Download all PDFs referenced in the original PDF, Works with local and online pdfs, Use as command-line tool or Python package, Compatible with Python 2 and 3. https://github.com/metachris/pdfx
150901 40k 0 Pylsy is a simple Python library designed to make it quick and easy to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables https://github.com/Leviathan1995/Pylsy
150520 9k 0 Dive into machine learning: This guide is for you: You're new to Machine Learning You can understand and write Python code. Tools you'll need: Python. and pip pkg mgr, ipython and IPython Notebook. pip install"ipython[notebook]", Some scientific computing packages: pip install scikit-learn pandas matplotlib https://github.com/hangtwenty/dive-into- machine-learning[wraps]
150326 8k 0 x_x: The Dead Guy CLI x_x is a Microsoft Excel file command line reader. The purpose of this is to not break the workflow of people who live on the command line and need to access a spreadsheet generated using Microsoft Excel. Python app. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/x_x/0.8
150214 448k 0 MoviePy Python module for video editing: cuts, concatenations, title insertions, video compositing (a.k.a. non-linear editing), video processing, & creation of custom effects. MoviePy can read & write all the most common audio & video formats, including GIF, & runs on Windows/Mac/Linux, with Python 2.7+ & 3. https://github.com/Zulko/moviepy
150204 85k 0 PyDark is a 2D and Online Multiplayer video game engine written on-top of Python and PyGame. Prerequisites:** Python 2.7+, PyGame, Twisted. Overview: PyDark* was designed from the ground up to allow upcoming game developers to quickly and efficiently create 2D games for Windows, Linux and even video game Consoles(although you must apply through the Console manufacturer's webpage). www.pydark.com
150101 1189k 0 Pyspread 0.4, a non-traditional spreadsheet application that is based on and written in the programming language Python. The goal of pyspread is to be the most pythonic spreadsheet application. Pyspread is free software. It is released under the GPL v3. http://manns.github.com/pyspread/
150101 1189k 0 Pyspread 0.4, a non-traditional spreadsheet application that is based on and written in the programming language Python. The goal of pyspread is to be the most pythonic spreadsheet application. Pyspread is free software. It is released under the GPL v3. http://manns.github.com/pyspread/
140903 2k 0 nocolon 0.0.2 nocolon is an utf-8 compatible encoding that removes the need of colons in python files. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nocolon/0.0.2
140822 9k 0 crumbs 2.0.0 Generalized all-in-one parameters module. Provides single interface to env. variables', config. files', & command line arguments' values. Dictionary-like interface makes interacting with these much simpler. Allows parameters' values to be set in any of the three sources & selects a value when a parameter's value is specified in multiple sources. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/crumbs/2.0.0
140822 406k 0 livestreamer 1.10.0 Livestreamer is command-line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/livestreamer/ 1.10.0
140816 31k 0 ktm 0.1.0 Configurable notification daemon with queues and history display ktm (a.k.a. kill the messenger!) is a configurable notification daemon with queues and history display. Free software: GPL V3+ License Documentation will be available at: http://ktm.readthedocs.org. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ktm/0.1.0
140814 15k 0 nameparser 0.3.3 A simple Python module for parsing human names into their individual components. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nameparser /0.3.3
140729 17k 0 verschemes 1.1.0 Version identifier management. The verschemes package provides easy and customizable version identifier management in Python. It supports defining custom version schemes in a subclass of the Version class. Instances of Version and its subclasses are concrete versions guaranteed to follow the rules of the class from which they were instantiated. https://pypi.python.org/ pypi/verschemes/1.1.0[wraps]
140729 20k 0 ospurge v0.1.2 OpenStack resources cleanup script. An OpenStack project resources cleaner `ospurge` is a client side script allowing an OpenStack administrator to cleanup any project, by deleting all of its resources prior to deleting the project itself. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ospurge/0.1.2
140729 33k 0 csvkit v0.8.0 A library of utilities for working with CSV. csvkit is a suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats. It is inspired by pdftk, gdal and the original csvcut utility by Joe Germuska and Aaron Bycoffe. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/csvkit/0.8.0
140728 10k 0 howdou v2.0.5 Instant coding answers via the command line. This is a fork of Benjamin Gleitzman's excellent Howdoi tool. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/howdou/2.0.5
140706 18k 0 Run a command in the named virtualenv. vex is an alternative to virtualenv's source wherever/bin/activate and deactivate, and virtualenvwrapper's workon, and also virtualenv-burrito if you use that. It works in a more elegant way, though it does less. You might find it nicer to use. And it works with non-bash shells. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vex
140625 187k 0 Simple command line journal application stores journals in plain text file. Collect thoughts & notes without leaving the command line. Put into Dropbox folder for instant syncing & be assured that journal will still be readable in 2050, when fancy iPad journal applications will long be forgotten. Can read & write directly from & to DayOne Journals. Can be encrypted using 256-bit AES. http://maebert.github.io/
140622 67k 0 eliot 0.4.0 Logging as Storytelling. Eliot provides a structured logging and tracing system for Python that generates log messages describing a forest of nested actions. Actions start and eventually finish, successfully or not. Log messages thus tell a story: what happened and what caused it. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/eliot
140622 129k 0 ftputil high-level FTP client library. ftputil implements a virtual file system for accessing FTP servers, that is, it can generate file-like objects for remote files. The library supports many functions similar to those in the os, os.path & shutil modules. ftputil has convenience functions for conditional uploads & downloads, & handles FTP clients & servers in different timezones. http://ftputil.sschwarzer.net/
140520 254k 0 OOoPy is a Python library for modifying OpenOffice.org documents. It provides a set of transformations on the OOo XML format using the ElementTree XML Library. Transformations included are a mail merge application and the concatenation of documents with formatting intact. The framework supports easy creation of new transformations. http://ooopy.sourceforge.net/
140425 36k 0 Frosted v1.4.1 is a passive Python syntax checker. It is a fork of pyflakes which aims at more open contribution from the outside public, a smaller more maintainable code base, and a better Python checker for all. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/frosted
140405 436k 0 Pydiction Vim plugin & Python script allows programmers to tab-complete their Python code in Vim by generating a dictionary file of Python modules, & attrib. & methods. Inc. default dictionary of Python standard library, keywords, built-ins, & many 3rd-party modules like Numpy, Django, Flask, Requests, Twisted, PyQT4, Pygame, OpenGL, wxPython, PyGTK, MySQLdb, Psycopg2, more. www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=850
140327 8k 0 tdir command-line directory & file display utility written in Python, runs on both *nix systems like FreeBSD & Linux, & also Win32. Displays directories & files distinctly & separately. tdir sorts files by extension with user-selectable delimiter on extenions. tdir can display a directory tree rooted anywhere in the file system. Output & column width are user-selectable & writes to stdout for redirection to files & devices.
140111 41k 0 pyPEG is a quick and easy solution for creating a parser in Python programs. pyPEG uses a PEG language in Python data structures to parse, so it can be used dynamically to parse nearly every context free language. The output is a plain Python data structure called pyAST, or, as an alternative, XML.
140101 134k 0 python-stdnum v0.8.1 is a Python module to parse, validate, and reformat standard numbers and codes in different formats. It supports a large number of number formats, including: ISBN (International Standard Book Number), ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), BSN (Burgerservicenummer, the Dutch national identification number), EAN (International Article Number), SSN (U.S. Social Security Number), IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), IBAN (International Bank Account Number), and more. http://arthurdejong.org/pyth on-stdnum/
131109 203k 0 eyeD3 is a Python program and module that provides the ability to read and write ID3 tags (v1.x and v2.3/v2.4). It also decodes MP3 headers (bit rate, sample frequency, play time, etc.). http://eyed3.nicfit.net/
131025 24k 0 py-setproctitle Library that allows a Python process to change its title, as displayed by system tools such as ps & top. Changing the title is useful in multi-process systems, for example when a master process is forked: changing the child's title allows you to identify the task each process is busy with. It is based on PostgreSQL's multi-platform implementation. http://code.google.com/p/py-setproctitle/
131016 757k 0 SIP is a tool to generate C++ interface code for Python. It is similar to SWIG, but uses a different interface format. It was used to build PyQt and PyKDE, and has support for the Qt signal/slot mechanism. http://www.riverbankcomputing. com/software/sip/intro
130928 4932k 0 PyInstaller converts (packages) Python programs into standalone executables under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and AIX. It supports several platforms and is able to build fully-contained (single file) executables. http://www.pyinstaller.org/
130411 1264k 0 This book in pdf format is about complexity science, data structures and algorithms, intermediate programming in Python, and the philosophy of science: Data structures and algorithms. http://www.greenteapress.com/
130411 751k 0 Think Python is an introduction to Python programming for beginners. It starts with basic concepts of programming, and is carefully designed to define all terms when they are first used and to develop each new concept in a logical progression. Larger pieces, like recursion and object-oriented programming are divided into a sequence of smaller steps and introduced over the course of several chapters. http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/
130409 5k 0 A tool to display a terminal color chart for 8, 16, 88, & 256 color terms. Provides the functionality of the various similar scripts found around the Web with some additional bells & whistles. It automatically detects 8, 16, 88, & 256 color capabilities (via ncurses) & displays the appropriate color charts. It can display the colors as blocks or (2D) cubes, optionally with color values overlaid in int or hex values. It can show the full rgb text string as well. It can also show the display with a vertical (default) or horizontal orientation. It has the option of additional padding & supports -h --help as well. It also works as a utility for converting between 256 & 88 color values. http://zhar.net/projects/
121206 12M 0 Audio Tools, a module and set of tools for manipulating audio data that work from the command line. These include programs for CD extraction, track conversion from one audio format to another, track renaming and retagging, track identification, CD burning from tracks, and more. It supports internationalized track filenames and metadata using Unicode. It works with high-definition, multi-channel audio as well as CD-quality. Track conversion uses multiple CPUs or CPU cores if available to greatly speed the transcoding process. Track metadata can be retrieved from MusicBrainz, FreeDB, or compatible servers. Audio formats supported are WAV, FLAC, WavPack, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, M4A, Apple Lossless.
031111 201k 1 Natural Docs is an extensible, multi-language, source code documentation generator written in Perl. Its syntax is transparent so the source comments read just as easily as the generated documentation. It also focuses on automation and high-quality HTML output.
031111 16k 1 DirsSync is a python tool to synchronise 2 directories. This application will synchronise all the files and all the sub-directories, and prompt the user to confirm all the moves.
031111 274k 1 The NL Toolkit is a Python package that simplifies the construction of programs that process natural language and defines standard interfaces between the different components of an NLP system.
021227 251k 2 twander 2.34 is a Filesystem Browser which runs on both Unix-like systems as well as Win32 systems. It embraces the best ideas of both similar GUI-driven programs (Konqueror, Windows Explorer) as well as text-based interfaces (Midnight Commander, List, Sweep). While the twander interface is graphical, all the major navigation, selection, and execution commands can be entered from the keyboard, not just the mouse. This means Power Users who are strong typists can minimize dependency on the mouse and materially speed up their interactions with the system. http://www.tundraware.com/Software/twander/
021225 7852k 1 Python for DOS, Base source tree snapshot. PythonD 2.2.1 V1.0 13.12.2002. Requires DJ Delorie's GPP. It is strongly recommended to have a complete DJGPP installation.
021225 3904k 1 Python for DOS, Base binary distribution. PythonD 2.2.1 V1.0 13.12.2002. Requires DJ Delorie's GPP. It is strongly recommended to have a complete DJGPP installation.
021106 80k 3 Empy v2.1 for embedding Python expressions and statements in template text; it takes an empy source file, processes it, and produces output. This is accomplished via expansions, which are special signals to the empy system and are set off by a special prefix (by default the at sign, '@'). empy can expand arbitrary Python expressions and statements in this way, as well as a variety of special forms. Textual data not explicitly delimited in this way is sent unaffected to the output, allowing Python to be used in effect as a markup language. Also supported are "hook" callbacks, recording and playback via diversions, and dynamic, chainable filters. http://www.alcyone.com/pyos/empy/
021106 592k 1 PyNassi 1.2 (24.10.02) A program structure chart editor and a debugger written with and for Python. PyNassi allows the interactive design of "Nassi Shneiderman" structure charts and can generate Python source code. Program structure charts permit an easily understandable diagram of functions and programs. PyNassi can be used for education for the representation and production of programs as well as an introduction to the basics of programming techniques in the form of program structure charts.
021105 897k 2 Leo is an outline-oriented editor written in 100% pure Python. Leo works on any platform that supports Python 2.1 or 2.2 and the Tk toolkit. This version of Leo was developed with Python 2.2.1 and Tk 8.3.2. You may download Python from http://python.org/ and tcl/Tk from http://tcl.activestate.com/ software/tcltk/. Leo features a multi-window outlining editor, Python colorizing, powerful outline commands and many other things, including Unlimited Undo/Redo and an integrated Python shell(IDLE) window. Platform: Windows, Linux, Macintosh
020315 20k 1 Tarfile is a pure python module that allows read and write access to tar and tar.gz archives. Its interface is compatible to the zipfile standard module. This will make it easy to integrate it in existing projects that already use zipfile, for example.
020301 16k 1 pySerial v1.12 This module capsulates the access for the serial port. It provides backends for stadard Python running on Windows, Linux, BSD (possibly any POSIX compilant system) and Jython. The module named "serial" automaticaly selects the appropriate backed.
020301 334k 1 decompyle -- A Python byte-code decompiler v2.2 beta 1 'decompyle' converts Python byte-code back into equivalent Python source. It accepts byte-code from any Python version starting with 1.5 up to 2.2. The generated source is very readable: docstrings, lists, tuples and hashes get pretty-printed. 'decompyle' may also verify the equivalence of the generated source by by compiling it and comparing both byte-codes. http://www.goebel-consult.de/decompyle/
011031 1871k 2 Novas: Python source code for The Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Subroutines. NOVAS, is an integrated package of source-code modules for computing a wide variety of common astrometric quantities and transformations. The package can provide, in one function call, the instantaneous coordinates (apparent, topocentric, or astrometric place) of any star or planet. At a lower level, NOVAS also provides general astrometric utility transformations, such as those for precession, nutation, aberration, parallax, and the gravitational deflection of light.
011031 330k 2 Anygui is a generic package which functions as a "front-end" to various existing GUI packages for Python, presenting a simple, unified API for writing GUI applications. http://anygui.sf.net
011029 114k 1 PyChecker v0.8.5 is a tool for finding bugs in python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages, like C and C++.
010923 22k 1 USPP (Universal Serial Port Python) Library v0.1 Multi-platform Python module to access serial ports for Windows and Linux but as it is written entirely in Python it can be extended to support any other platforms. http://balder.prohosting.com/ibarona/en/python/ uspp/uspp_en.html
010923 7k 1 strptime.py attempts to simulate time.strptime as best as possible while following the explanation of time.strptime as spelled out by the official Python documentation.
010627 27k 1 PyChecker is a tool for finding common bugs in python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages, like C and C++.
010619 75k 2 PLY is a Python-only implementation of the popular compiler construction tools lex and yacc. The implementation borrows ideas from a number of previous efforts; most notably John Aycock's SPARK toolkit. However, the overall flavor of the implementation is more closely modeled after the C version of lex and yacc. The other significant feature of PLY is that it provides extensive input validation and error reporting--much more so than other Python parsing tools.
010304 3726k 1 Python 1.6.1 This archive contains Python-1.6.1.tar.gz. Python 1.6.1 is essentially the same as Python 1.6, with a few minor bug fixes, and with a GPL compatible open source license.
010127 7k 1 pysync 0.6 A Python implementation of the rsync algorithm This is a demonstration implementation of the rsync algorithm in Python. It is not fast and is not optimised. The primary aim is to provide a simple example implementation of the algorithm for reference, so code clarity is more important than performance. Ideas have been liberaly taken from libhsync, xdelta and rsync. Donovan Baarda (abo@minkirri.apana.org.au) http://sourceforge.net/users/abo/
010108 430k 2 Synopsis, source code documentation tool follows a modular architecture to adapt to different languages, comment styles, output formats. Supports IDL & C++ languages & HTML output, can scale to large projects,integra- ting with Makefiles to only update documen- tation for changed files. Can integrate documentation between languages, linking implementations in any language with their CORBA interfaces & vice versa. Written in Python except for the C++ parser (module written in C++ based on OpenC++). The IDL parser uses the omniidl tool from omniORB also written in Python. Support for a Python parser is planned for the next release.
001117 812k 1 This file contains FXPy-0.99.143.tar.gz, the source code for FXPy. FXPy is a Python extension module which provides an interface to the FOX cross-platform GUI library. With a few minor exceptions, FXPy provides a complete interface to FOX. FOX is a C++-based toolkit for developing graphical user interfaces easily and effectively.
000925 87k 1 Py_cpp a system for quickly and easily interfacing C++ code with Python such that the Python interface is very similar to the C++ interface. It is designed to be minimally intrusive on your C++ design. In most cases, you should not have to alter your C++ classes in any way in order to use them with py_cpp. The system should simply "reflect" your C++ classes and functions into Python. Source. It has been tested with GCC 2.95.2 with the STLport standard library implementation, and with Microsoft Visual C++ 6 sp3 using both STLport and the library implementation that ships with the compiler. I think it will also works with an upcoming release of Metrowerks CodeWarrior. Py_cpp requires the Boost libraries
000914 139k 2 a tool that generates the C/API modules containing wrapper functions of Fortran routines. I call this tool as FPIG Fortran to Python Interface Generator. It is completely written in Python language and can be called from the command line as f2py. LGPL.
000914 161k 1 HappyDoc is a tool for extracting documentation from Python source code. It differs from other such applications by the fact that it uses the parse tree for a module to derive the information and does not import the module.
000814 18k 1 PythonLauncher.exe is a small program, which attempts to locate a Python script named similarly to itself, then locate a Python interpreter, and finally invoke the Python interpreter with the Python script, and any parameters to the .exe itself, as parameters.
000724 6k 2 This module helps scripts to parse the command line arguments in sys.argv. It supports the same conventions as the Unix getopt() function (including the special meanings of arguments of the form -' and --'). Long options similar to those supported by GNU software may be used as well via an optional third argument.
000712 19k 1 This unit testing framework, dubbed 'PyUnit' by convention, is a Python language version of JUnit. JUnit was written by smart cookies Kent Beck and Erich Gamma, and is, in turn, a Java version of Kent's Smalltalk testing framework. Each is the de facto standard unit testing framework for its respective language, and therefore both are a strong basis for an effective and elegant Python framework.
000601 12k 2 The bzlib is a Python module based on bzip2 version 0.9.5d. The functions in this module allow compression and decompresson, using the bzip2 library, compress object support, but no decompress object support yet. This module is based on the work of the zlib module by Andrew Kuchling. The functions are similar to the zlib module. This release of bzlib module requires Python 1.5.2, and bzlib.h and libbz2.a from bzip2 0.9.5d. Also, ANSI C compiler and make are required. May 29, 2000, Eito Katagiri (eito@cs.pdx.edu)
000512 64k 1 The CCQ BBS is an open source cgi bulletin board system written in the python programming language. It already has many of neat features of commercial BBS', as well as some interesting unique features. As it develops, it should become a complete interactive system, unifying multiple BBS', allowing comments on each web page, integrating calender features, and so-forth function. Part of the way this will work is the CCQ BBS language, an even-high level language used to specify the structure of the board. (I may include a short manual for the BBS language in the alpha release). Hans Joseph Solbrig (jsolbrig
000512 1045k 1 Win 32 exe: FXPy is a Python extension module which provides an interface to the FOX cross-platform GUI lib. With a few minor exceptions, FXPy provides a complete interface to FOX. FOX is a C++ based toolkit for developing graphical user interfaces easily and effectively. Some of the significant features of FOX include A rich set of widgets (dials, shutters, tree lists, and other "modern" widgets). Easy -to-use layout managers. Support for 3-D modeling using OpenGL or Mesa. Supports the XDND protocol for drag-and-drop. Registry for persistent application settings. Runs natively under Unix/X and MS Windows. And more!
000512 341k 1 Pmw megawidgets Version 0.8.4 Pmw is a toolkit for building high-level compound widgets, or megawidgets, constructed using other widgets as component parts.=20 It promotes consistent look and feel within and between graphical applications, is highly configurable to your needs and is easy to use.
000507 137k 1 BorlandpyExt10.zip stored in this archive describes the method used to create Python Extensions using the Borland 5.5 C++ Compiler (BCC). This command line compiler is available free from http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/ freecompiler/. Describes the steps that are necessary to produce the extension from the C source code and how to set up the associated files for the compiler and linker. These extensions work with the standard Windows distribution of Python. The process used to produce the extension is very easy and consists of running a simple batch file that is provided as part of this package. Gordon Williams g_will@cyberus.ca
000507 63k 1 SPARK stands for the Scanning, Parsing,and Rewriting Kit. It formerly had no name, and was referred to as the "little language framework." The first version (circa 1998) was described in the paper Compiling Little Languages in Python at the 7th International Python Conference. SPARK is written in 100% pure Python, and is made available as open source.
000506 5k 1 ID3 Tagging in Python. This module allows one to read and manipulate so-called ID3 informational tags on MP3 files through an object-oriented Python interface. Python source.
000131 118k 2 tdsweeper-1.0.0.tar.gz A minesweeper clone intended for the Linux console, and has not been tested on any other platforms. It depends on the pyslang module for screen management. More info can be found on: http://www.dsv.su.se/~karl-sve/prog /pyslang.shtml Or contact the author: Kalle Svensson
000131 12k 1 BoilerPlate is a collection of classes that provide simple yet powerful macro-type processing of Python text. Blocks within text can be conditionally included or excluded based on runtime values. Also, text blocks can be iterated over by a sequence or a dictionary.
000131 4k 1 Editline is BSD's answer to GNU Readline. 4.4BSD-derived systems (e.g. {Free,Net,Open}BSD) appear to ship with libedit.a as a standard library. This python module (editline.c) is based on the python readline module by Guido van Rossum: It exports the same methods, and can be used as a drop-in replacement for the readline module. This is good for BSD users who do not wish to fetch/compile/install the GNU readline library. Tested under OpenBSD 2.4. David Leonard , 1999. Public Domain.
000131 3853k 1 Interscript is a literate programming tool. Find the interscript home page at http://www.triode.net.au/~skaller/interscript John Max Skaller
000131 26k 1 Reporter This module defines the Reporter class, a report formatter that uses PERL-ish formats as specifiers for headers, footers and records.
000131 6k 0 Report.py: classes to create formatted reports. Robin Friedrich Robin.Friedrich@pdq.net The ReportTemplate class reads a template file or string containing a fixed format with field tokens and substitutes member values from an arbitrary python object.