COMPLIMENTARY PROTEINS From: GML Newsgroups: misc.survivalism Subject: Complimentary proteins Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 15:17:00 -0800 Source: "The Mt.Sinai School of Medicine Complete Book of Nutrition" GRAINS <----------------------------------------> LEGUMES wheat,rice,barley, Dried beans(pinto, navy, oats, cornmeal, kidney, black, etc.) millet, cracked wheat, dried peas,lentils,chick bulgur, rye peas, soybeans, tofu, peanuts, peanut butter Examples: Peanut butter sandwich; meatless bean chili and cornbread; split pea or lentil soup and bread; rice-bean casserole; beans and tortillas; hummus and whole wheat pita bread; middle eastern white bean and bulgur salad; carrot-chickpea soup with whole wheat pistachiop bread LEGUMES <----------------------------------------> NUTS AND SEEDS dried beans,chick peas pumpkin, sunflower and lentils, dried peas, peanuts, sesame soybeans and soybean products Examples: Lentil salad sprinlked with sesame seeds; pea soup with pumpkin seed topping; curried pumpkin-peanut soup with sunflower seeds GRAINS <----------------------------------------> MILK PRODUCTS barley, buckwheat, rice, cheese, milk, yogurt cornmeal, oats,wheat, rye Examples: cereal and milk; macaroni and cheese; rice pudding; seared polenta with summer vegetables; barley salad with bread-cheese kebabs NUTS AND SEEDS <------------------------------------> GRAINS sunflower, sesame, pumpkin rice,wheat,oats, barley cornmeal, buckwheat Examples: bread with sesame seeds; rice with sesame seeds; breadsticks rolled in sesame seeds; soba noodle salad rolled in sesame seeds NUTS AND SEEDS <----------------------------------- > MILK PRODUCTS sunflower,sesame,pumpkin cheese, milk, yogurt Examples: cheese balls rolled in sesame seeds; milk with sunflower or pumpkin seeds; yogurt cheese flavored with sunflower seeds and dill MILK PRODUCTS <-------------------------------------> LEGUMES cheese, milk, yogurt dried beans,chick peas, lentils, dried peas, peanuts, peanut butter Examples: peanut butter sandwich and milk, bean burrito with yogurt and cheddar; vegetarian chili with jalapeno cheddar; split-pea soup with mint yogurt From: (JKBurnett) Newsgroups: misc.survivalism Subject: Re: Complimentary proteins Date: 1 Jan 1997 19:56:01 GMT Actually, the complimentary proteins doctrine has been disproved. So long as you eat a reasonable mix of foods, there is no need for the kind of intensive protein-matching that people once thought was necessary. I have been a vegetarian for four years and have NEVER used protein matching and am perfectly healthy. On the other hand, if it turns out that protein matching IS necessary, is really nothing to worry about anyway, because the proteins to be matched are the traditional combinations of food (beans and rice, peanut butter sandwiches, etc.) JKB